Dental Emergencies.

We cannot guarantee emergency appointments for non-registered patients. However, if you would like to register with Hartley Dental, please click here.

We may be able to offer emergency pain relief appointments for patients who are not registered with the practice, see below for more information.

Emergency dental appointments cost £299.00 and will include the following:

  • A 30 minute appointment.

  • Diagnosis of the problem, including X-Rays as required.

  • Getting you out of pain and advising you of any further treatments required.

  • Prescribing of antibiotics (as medically required).

  • Referrals to specialist services as medically required. This does not include any treatment conducted by any specialist dentist.

We will do everything we can to get your out of pain during the appointment.

We will perform any treatment required to get you out of pain.

We will advise you of any further treatment options & how much that would cost if it was to be completed at Hartley Dental.

The appointments are on a first come, first served basis. Call us on 01752 661361 to book an appointment.