Direct Appointments with Dean our Hygienist

Did you know that you can come and see Dean without needing to see Charles?Direct access was introduced so that everyone is able to see a dental hygienist without seeing a dentist beforehand.In the past you needed to see a dentist to obtain a prescription and to be referred to a hygienist but all this has changed. You can now book direct with Dean who will carry out treatments to maintain your gum health and can provide cosmetic treatments such as polishing to give you a brighter smile.The change in legislation now means that you choose who you see and in which practice, so if you attend a practice with no hygienist then we can help. Its simple, just call the practice and they will be able to arrange an appointment with Dean.We do of course advise that you see a dentist as often as they recommend.

To book an appointment, call 01752 661361

Dental Therapists - What they do & why


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