How We Help OUR Planet – The Green Approach!

 There is no getting away from it, we all have a role to play when it comes to making sure our planet is inhabitable for future generations.Here at Hartley, we are determined to do our little bit to save the planet! BUT… What have we actually done about it though?!Environmental Champion…Edd is a bit of an eco-warrior (he does stop short of tying himself to trees, don’t panic…), so takes the lead on all things environmental. He completes impact assessments and has implemented a company policy, to help us more effectively manage this area of our business – it can go ‘off the radar’ if we don’t have someone consistently reminding us all our responsibilities! He even had some training on this area back in 2008, when he was with another company!How Do We Do It?First and foremost, we try and reduce our carbon footprint by reducing the amount of natural resources and energy we use – this is mainly gas and electricity.In short – we switch stuff off!Making sure every possible light and electronic device is switched off whenever we are closed is the first point of call, closely followed by knocking the heating temperature down by a degree or two and only having it switched on when it is needed – simple really!Recycling? Yep that too…Unfortunately, our suppliers of the essential dental materials, sundries and equipment haven’t quite come to terms with their responsibilities yet, so we do get sent seemingly endless amounts of plastic wrapping and packaging – poor show! However, any type of cardboard, paper or plastic that can be recycled goes in the green bin – the team are very diligent in making sure that we segregate our waste into the correct bins for collection. A small thing – but every little makes a difference!Cycle to work scheme…The team know they can access this if they so wish, which provides an opportunity to reduce the use of vehicles as a team and get some fresh (ish) seaside air into our communal lungs!The little things count…We even go as far as using environmentally friendly toilet cleaner, bleach and washing up liquid, to help reduce any water related pollution – it might not seem like much, but if we all did it…How Can YOU help us in our mission?Well, obviously it’s entirely up to you what you do and don’t do, but we would like to ask anyway!

  1. Please try and use public transport, cycle or walk to the Practice – we do know buses can be a bit smelly though… If you cycle, we are happy to lock your bike safely away whilst you are in your appointment!
  2. Do all the things listed above – switching off devices, lights and non-essential white goods doesn’t cost us a penny… it will actually save you money, in addition to helping do your little bit of mother Earth!

We don’t want to sound like we are preaching or telling you what to do – but if you do choose to join us on our quest to be more energy efficient and reduce our carbon footprint, we welcome you with open arms!See you soon.Charlie.


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Charity Bike Ride...? #completeditmate