We’re open!


Throughout the second lockdown period, Hartley Dental will be open and it’s almost business as usual. However, we have had to change the way we operate since we reopened in June.

Please do not attend Hartley Dental unless you have an appointment and follow our one way system - come in through our entrance on Lovell Road (via our back garden) and exit through the front door that leads on to Mannamead Road after your appointment, the team will be there to help you with this process.

We will triage you before your appointment and will telephone you the day before you are due to come in. If we are unable to triage you, we may not be able to see you. It is imperative you contact us if we have left you a message.

Please use the hand sanitiser provided on entrance and exit.

Please ensure that you wear face covering/mask whilst you are in our waiting room.

Please click on the link to find out more about our response to Covid-19 or call us if you require any further information.

The Hartley Dental team hopes that you are keeping safe and well during this time and look forward to seeing you soon.


Dental Implants in Plymouth!


A COVID-19 Update From Hartley Dental Practice – 4th January, 2021.