What are the benefits of the Hartley Dental Membership Plans?

Here at Hartley Dental our team believe in and indeed operate, a prevention led and health based approach to dentistry. The age old saying of, ‘prevention is better than cure,’ is never truer than when it comes to keeping your teeth and gums healthy.We put our Hygiene team of Dean and Janie at the centre of everything we do - we want to prevent your dental health issues - that is our shared goal. Unfortunately, we live in a world where many people are in the mindset of waiting until they experience pain to visit the Dentist - we need to change this ethos, as it is often too late for you once that pain occurs!So how do we achieve this?Charlie will always complete a thorough diagnostic appointment with you, where he can actively listen to your concerns, wants and desires along with advising you of any dental work that you require - but most importantly, refer you to Dean and Janie for Oral Hygiene treatment and advice. Charlie will also advise you via his diagnosis, of what a ‘recall period’ is for you - which essentially means how often you need to be visiting the Hygiene team, coupled with Healthy Mouth Reviews (known as check ups in the 80s…) from Charlie himself. Some common recall periods are:

  1. 3 monthly,
  2. 4 monthly,
  3. 6 monthly.

You will be seen AT LEAST once every 6 months by Dean and/or Janie, where Charlie will also do a healthy mouth review for you as part of one of those appointments.This is where the monthly payable membership plan comes in - so how does the membership plan work?

  • A monthly payment to cover your Hygienist appointments and healthy mouth reviews, starting at £19.25 per month,
  • You will pay Membership prices, saving you 10% on any restorative treatments, such as white fillings, crowns and bridges,
  • Teeth whitening for only £200 instead of the usual price of £295,
  • 365 day a year emergency cover - if you need urgent emergency treatment to get you out of pain - you will get it,
  • Access to a World Wide Dental Emergency Assistance Scheme (which absolutely isn’t ‘insurance’ of any kind…) - this covers you should you have a dental emergency anywhere in the world, at anytime - there is always a number to call should you need someone!

This isn’t to mention the fact that the Membership Plan allows you to easily budget for your preventative care each year - helping avoid the need for those sometimes painful corrective treatments - amazing!The benefits of the membership plan for our patients are exceptional, with the main benefit being that it helps prevent dental problems - and once you are healthy and any initial dental work has been completed, you can even go onto the Care Plan… you’ll need to ask us about that one at your next visit though!See you soon everyone!Hartley Dental - Treating You The Right Way!


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